Immigration applications

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Immigration applications

The preparation and submission of immigration applications excluding asylum applications. All of the fee information set out below is based on the following hourly rates of lawyers within our team. The range of hourly rates with each band of lawyers depends on the seniority of the lawyer, and their office location. Please note that any reference to VAT is at the current rate of 20% unless otherwise stated.

The indicative cost of each stage of the process will depend on the seniority of the lawyer who is advising you – this would always be your choice – and where the lawyer is based.

Status Charge-out rate per hour
Partner £450 including VAT
Senior Associate £366 – £420 including VAT
Associate £282 – £300 including VAT
Solicitor £216 – £240 including VAT
Trainee Solicitor £180 including VAT
Trainee Legal Executive £144 including VAT
Paralegal £150 – £168 including VAT
Please note that any reference to VAT is at the current rate of 20% unless otherwise stated.

As part of your visa or immigration application there will be disbursements payable by you direct to the Home Office and/or other third party organisations in addition to the legal fees incurred.

Stage 1: Advice note

We will prepare a detailed advice note which will cover:

  • The eligibility criteria for the relevant visa application or extension application;
  • The application process;
  • The supporting documents required;
  • The Home Office fees associated with the application;
  • Any priority services available to speed up the application processing time; and
  • The likely timescales involved.

The advice note, which will be detailed and tailored to your personal situation, is likely to cost in the region of £1,500 – £3,600 including VAT, depending on:

  • The complexities of your personal circumstances;
  • How complicated the legal issues are;
  • Whether you would like us to advise you in person (at one of our office locations or a mutually agreeable location within the UK), in writing, over the phone or video conferencing – again, this would be your choice.  Advising in person tends to be more expensive than advising by telephone, video conferencing or in writing;
  • Whether you have any adverse immigration history or previous visa/entry refusals;
  • If your circumstances fall outside the normal immigration rules e.g. if you need to rely on “exceptional circumstances” or human rights grounds; and
  • The jurisdiction in which you are making your application – each jurisdiction is different and has different biometric submission procedures.
  • Stage 2: Checking the application and supporting documents

    Stage 2 of the process involves:

    • Us checking your application (online or paper form) once;
    • Suggesting amendments to your application;
    • Checking your supporting documents once; and
    • Suggesting any amendments to your supporting documents/any additional documents needed.

    The typical range of costs for this stage is:  £1,500 – £6,300 including VAT, depending on:

    • The complexities of your personal circumstances;
    • How complicated the legal issues are;
    • How many documents there are for us to consider;
    • Whether you would like us to advise you in person (at one of our office locations or a mutually agreeable location within the UK), in writing or over the phone or video conferencing – again, this would be your choice.  Advising in person tends to be more expensive than advising by telephone, via video conferencing or in writing;
    • Whether you have adverse immigration history or previous refusals;
    • Circumstances outside the normal immigration rules e.g. exceptional circumstances and human rights based applications;
    • Any changes to your initial instructions;
    • You producing all original documents required by the Home Office in a timely manner;
    • The jurisdiction from which you are applying – each jurisdiction is different and has different biometric submission procedures;
    • Disbursements may increase if you want to use priority visa services (payable by you direct to VFS Global or other third party organisations); and
    • Problems with the transportation of documents, e.g. documents being held by customs in the relevant country.

    Additional checks above and beyond that set out above and drafting of bespoke documents (e.g. supporting letters or affidavits) will be charged separately based on our hourly rates.

    Disbursements (not including any priority or added value services):

    • Visa application fee:
      • Innovator Visa: £1,191 (outside the UK) or £1,486 (inside the UK)
      • Start Up Visa: £435 (outside the UK) or £584 (inside the UK)
      • Immigration health surcharge: £1,035 per year of visa

The fees set out below will vary depending on:

  • The complexities of your/your business’ circumstances;
  • How complicated the legal issues are;
  • Whether the business has multiple locations or group companies to be added as branches on the Sponsor Licence;
  • How many initial documents there are for us to consider;
  • Whether you would like us to advise you in person (at one of our office locations or a mutually agreeable location within the UK), in writing or over the phone or video conferencing – again, this would be your choice.  Advising in person tends to be more expensive than advising by telephone, video conferencing or in writing;
  • Whether the sponsored worker has any adverse immigration history or previous visa/entry refusals;
  • Your ability to produce all original documents required by the Home Office in timely manner;
  • The jurisdiction in which you are making your application – each jurisdiction is different and has different biometric submission procedures;
  • Disbursements may increase if you want to use priority visa services (payable to VFS or other third party organisations);
  • Any changes to your initial instructions;
  • Problems with the transportation of documents, e.g. documents being held by customs in the relevant country;
  • Whether the business already has a Sponsor Licence in place and an unrestricted Certificate of Sponsorship ready to assign for extending visas or employing new hires in the UK.

Stage 1: Employer applying for a Sponsor Licence

We will advise your business on:

  • Setting up the application;
  • Completing the application;
  • Compiling supporting documentation;
  • Completing additional information required by Home Office under Appendix A; and
  • Sponsor obligations and roles of key personnel.

The typical range of costs for this stage is:  £2,500 – £7,000 including VAT depending on the variables mentioned above.

Disbursements: Sponsor Licence Application Fee £536 – £1,476 (the fees depends on whether the business falls within the definition of a “small employer” or is a charity. This fee is payable directly to the Home Office at the point of application).

Stage 2: Assessing eligibility of role for Sponsorship

We will advise your business on:

  • Identifying the relevant Occupation Code for the role and the minimum salary requirements, including whether it is a shortage occupation role;
  • Review/assist with preparing the Job Description; and
  • What evidence must be retained or produced by the business to demonstrate that it is a genuine vacancy.

The typical range of costs for this stage is:  £408 – £2,100 including VAT depending on the variables mentioned above.

Stage 3: Applying for a Defined Certificate of Sponsorship (for new hires outside the UK)

The typical range of costs for this stage is:  £204 – £840 including VAT depending on the variables mentioned above.

Disbursements: £239 (per Certificate)

Stage 4: Skilled Worker visa application

We will advise the visa applicant on:

  • How to make the visa application;
  • Completing / checking the online visa application once;
  • The supporting documents; and
  • Checking the supporting documents once and providing comments.

The typical range of costs for this stage is:  £1,000 – £4,000 including VAT depending on the variables mentioned above.

Disbursements (not including any priority services):

  • Visa application fee: £551 – £1,500 (depending on length of visa, whether the applicant is applying for the visa inside or outside the UK and whether the role is on the Shortage Occupation List)
  • Immigration health surcharge: £1,035 per year of visa
  • Immigration Skills Charge: £364 – £1000 (depending on size of organisation) for the first 12 months and then £182 – £500 for each additional 6 month period. Therefore, a maximum of £1,820 for a small organisation or charity and £5,000 for a medium/large employer.
  • The applicant may also have to undergo a TB test and take a secured English Language Test depending on their nationality and the country from which they are applying. The fees for these services vary depending on jurisdiction.

The typical range of costs for advising on visa applications for dependents is:  £1,000 – £6,000 including VAT depending on:

  • The number of dependants;
  • Whether the dependants are added to the main applicant’s visa application or are joining at a later date – our costs are likely to be higher where a dependant is joining at a later date;
  • The complexities of the personal circumstances;
  • How complicated the legal issues are;
  • How many documents there are for us to consider;
  • Whether you would like us to advise you in person (at one of our office locations or a mutually agreeable location within the UK), in writing or over the phone or by video conferencing- again, this would be your choice. Advising in person tends to be more expensive than advising by telephone, video conferencing or in writing;
  • Whether the dependants have any adverse immigration history or previous visa/entry refusals;
  • If the dependants’ circumstances fall outside the normal immigration rules e.g. if relying on “exceptional circumstances” or human rights grounds;
  • The dependants’ ability to produce all original documents required by the Home Office in timely manner;
  • The jurisdiction in which the dependants are making their applications – each jurisdiction is different and has different biometric submission procedures;
  • Disbursements may increase if using priority visa services or other added value services (payable to VFS or other third party organisations);
  • Any changes to the initial instructions we are given;
  • Problems with the transportation of documents, e.g. documents being held by customs in the relevant country.

Disbursements per Dependant (not including any priority services):

  • Visa application fee: £551 – £1,500 (depending on type and length of visa)
  • Immigration health surcharge: £1,035 per year of visa

Stage 1: Advice Note

We will prepare a detailed advice note which will cover:

  • The eligibility criteria for the application;
  • The application process;
  • The supporting documents required;
  • The Home Office fees associated with the application;
  • Any priority services available to speed up the application processing time; and
  • The likely timescales involved.

The advice note, which will be detailed and tailored to your personal situation, is likely to cost in the region of £1,000 – £2,940 including VAT, depending on:

  • The complexities of your personal circumstances;
  • How complicated the legal issues are;
  • Whether you would like us to advise you in person (at one of our office locations or a mutually agreeable location within the UK), in writing, by video conferencing or over the phone – again, this would be your choice.  Advising in person tends to be more expensive than advising by telephone, video conferencing or in writing;
  • Whether you have any adverse immigration history or previous visa/entry refusals;
  • If your circumstances fall outside the normal immigration rules.

Stage 2: Checking the application and supporting documents

Stage 2 of the process involves:

  • us checking your application once;
  • suggesting amendments to your application;
  • checking your supporting documents once; and
  • suggesting any amendments to your supporting documents/any additional documents needed.

The typical range of costs for this stage is:  £1,000 – £4,200 including VAT, depending on:

  • The complexities of your personal circumstances;
  • How complicated the legal issues are;
  • How many documents there are for us to consider;
  • Whether you would like us to advise you in person (at one of our office locations or a mutually agreeable location within the UK), in writing or over the phone / video conferencing – again, this would be your choice.  Advising in person tends to be more expensive than advising by telephone, video conferencing or in writing;
  • Any adverse immigration history or previous refusals;
  • Circumstances outside the normal immigration rules e.g. exceptional circumstances and human rights based applications;
  • Any changes to your initial instructions;
  • You producing all original documents required by the Home Office in a timely manner.

Additional checks above and beyond that set out above and drafting of bespoke documents (e.g. supporting letters or affidavits) will be charged separately at our hourly rates.


  • Indefinite Leave to Remain application fee: £2,885
  • Naturalisation/Citizenship application fee: £1,500
  • Citizenship ceremony fee: £80

Stage 1: Advice Note

We will prepare a detailed advice note which will cover:

  • The eligibility criteria for the application;
  • An assessment of which category of the financial requirement is the most appropriate in the circumstances;
  • The application process;
  • The supporting documents required;
  • The Home Office fees associated with the application;
  • Any priority services available to speed up the application processing time; and
  • The likely timescales involved.

The advice note, which will be detailed and tailored to your personal situation, is likely to cost in the region of £1,000 – £4,000 including VAT, depending on:

  • The complexities of your personal circumstances;
  • How complicated the legal issues are;
  • Whether you would like us to advise you in person (at one of our office locations or a mutually agreeable location within the UK), in writing or over the phone or video conferencing- again, this would be your choice.  Advising in person tends to be more expensive than advising by telephone, video conferencing or in writing;
  • Whether you have any adverse immigration history or previous visa/entry refusals;
  • If your circumstances fall outside the normal immigration rules e.g. if you need to rely on “exceptional circumstances” or human rights grounds.

Stage 2: Checking the application and supporting documents

Stage 2 of the process involves:

  • us checking your application once;
  • suggesting amendments to your application;
  • checking your supporting documents once; and
  • suggesting any amendments to your supporting documents/any additional documents needed.

The typical range of costs for this stage is:  £1,500 – £6,000 including VAT, depending on:

  • The complexities of your personal circumstances;
  • How complicated the legal issues are;
  • How many documents there are for us to consider;
  • Whether you would like us to advise you in person (at one of our office locations or a mutually agreeable location within the UK), in writing or over the phone or video conference – again, this would be your choice.  Advising in person tends to be more expensive than advising by telephone, video conferencing or in writing;
  • Any adverse immigration history or previous refusals;
  • Circumstances outside the normal immigration rules e.g. exceptional circumstances and human rights based applications;
  • Any changes to your initial instructions;
  • You producing all original documents required by the Home Office in a timely manner.

Additional checks above and beyond that set out above and drafting of bespoke documents will be charged separately at our hourly rates.


Your situationApply outside the UKApply in the UKApply in the UK in person with the premium service
Joining your partner, parent or child£1,846£1,048£1,848
Each dependant added to your application£1,846 each person£1,048 each person£1,848 each person
Immigration Health Surcharge£1,035 for each year of the visa£1,035 for each year of the visa£1,035 for each year of the visa

Initial advice to EEA Nationals on their status in the UK is likely to cost in the region of £204- £4,000 including VAT depending on:

  • The complexities of your personal circumstances;
  • How complicated the legal issues are;
  • How many documents there are for us to consider;
  • Whether you would like us to advise you in person (at one of our office locations or a mutually agreeable location within the UK), in writing or over the phone or video conferencing – again, this would be your choice.  Advising in person tends to be more expensive than advising by telephone or in writing;
  • Any adverse immigration history or previous refusals;
  • Circumstances outside the normal immigration rules e.g. exceptional circumstances and human rights based applications;
  • Any changes to your initial instructions;
  • You producing all documents required in a timely manner.

The cost of those disbursements will depend on whether you are applying from within or outside the UK, and whether it is a first time visa application or a visa extension application.

A list of current visa application fees can be found on the Home Office website here.

The cost of advising on the preparation and submission of immigration applications will vary depending on the type of application. An indication of these costs is set out below.

Before advising you about the application and submission process, we will take detailed instructions from you in order to tailor our advice and fee estimate to your individual circumstances.

We will usually need to carry out an initial assessment as to the appropriate visa or immigration route for you in light of your circumstances. The typical range of costs for this initial assessment stage for all visa applications is:  £216 to £1,350 including VAT, depending on:

  • The complexities of your personal circumstances;
  • How complicated the legal issues are;
  • How many initial documents there are for us to consider;
  • Whether you would like us to advise you in person (at one of our office locations or a mutually agreeable location within the UK), in writing or over the phone / video conferencing – again, this would be your choice.  Advising in person tends to be more expensive than advising by telephone or video conferencing;
  • Whether you have any adverse immigration history or previous visa/entry refusals;
  • If your circumstances fall outside the normal immigration rules e.g. if you need to rely on “exceptional circumstances” or human rights grounds;
  • Your ability to produce all original documents required by the Home Office in a timely manner; and
  • The jurisdiction in which you are making your application – each jurisdiction is different and has different biometric submission procedures.


The time from taking your initial instructions to the final resolution of your matter depends on a number of factors that include the type of immigration status or document you are applying for, the complexity of the requirements, the country from which you are making the application and how quickly the Home Office process your application.

The longest time it is likely to take is 12 months but this will only be for complex matters. We are more than happy to discuss with you the details of your application, at which time we can give you a more accurate estimate of likely timescales.